A Visit from Hilverda De Boer & Fresh Flowers from Holland!
Last week, Scott's Flowers and New York City saw a visit from the extremely talented executives of Hilverda De Boer, straight from Holland! This team in Europe works hard every day for Scott's Flowers, gathering the highest quality flowers in the region and organizing direct overnight flights that result in literally the most fresh blooms... for our customers right here in Manhattan!
In this meeting we talked about one major theme: how to keep providing our customers with the flowers they want. This means maintaining the most freshest blooms to keep pushing the envelope and letting our designers do what they do best: innovate and create.
Hilverda De Boer has existed for over 100 years and is known world-wide as one of Netherlands' largest exporters of cut flowers. They service clients in more than 50 countries, and Scott's Flowers is proud to be one of their biggest supporters. Here are a few of recent orchids from the Hilverda De Boer Facebook Page, straight from Holland! Enjoy the colors!